


Making an impact on the planet's soils.

Currently, one-third of global soils are degraded and depleted in carbon. The Impact4Soil platform is here to drive cooperation and knowledge sharing on soil carbon at an international level.
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5 modules for climate impact

What can Impact4Soil do for me?

Impact4Soil is a unique, reliable and inter-institutional knowledge platform that brings together the soil carbon community.
It is a source of key information and the latest research findings and results, including methodologies for soil carbon balance monitoring, practices, networks, and datasets.
Geospatial dataScientific evidence demoNetworkPracticesDatasets
Solutions for soil carbon experts

Hear from Impact4Soil users

Impact4Soil is a meeting point for soil carbon research and funding communities to go further and faster as a collective. It is designed for different types of users: researchers, policymakers, funding agencies, companies and NGOs.
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Carbon schemes inventory platform

Road4Schemes logoRoad4Schemes demo
Carbon Schemes Inventories, or CSI, is a new web platform dedicated to providing detailed information about carbon farming schemes in Europe and around the world. This platform has been developed in the framework of the EJP Soil Road4Schemes project.
Visit the platform
The ORCaSa project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research programme under grant agreement n°101059863.